Discover the Path

Back to Who You Were Meant to Be

Make an Appointment

Helping people discover their forgotten strengths, resilience and confidence.

The alarm clock rings.

Dragging yourself out of bed to get ready for another day, thinking and hoping, “Today will be different.” But it’s another day where the person reflected in the mirror is unrecognizable. Why did all the joy and happiness in life vanish?

Each day seems harder than the last. Each thought and decision feels like it’s coming from someone else, like watching a play of your life but you didn’t write the script. Friends, co-workers and loved ones think all is well in your life, but each day is lived in a haze of overwhelming emotions and anxiety. Thoughts like “How the hell did I get here?” “Who am I?” and “What now”? are pervasive.

Is this you?

Life is not always easy, and during difficult times our inability to navigate the obstacles and challenges can cause feelings of resentment and discontent. Many get trapped in a job they hate or stuck in a relationship that no longer provides the support and love they need – or perhaps just stuck in a constant cycle of negativity and self-deception that seems to affect life’s every turn. This negative feedback loop can make us question everything, causing feelings of sadness, anxiety, depression, or anger.

Let’s shut down that inner critic!

During therapy, I will provide a non-judgmental and loving space to tell your story. Through our conversations, we will discover how you allowed yourself to get to this place in life. You will learn how to have greater self-compassion, courage, awareness, and self-acceptance – increasing the ability to handle the challenges that life hurls at you.

Let’s remove the protective blocks that are keeping you stuck and unable to interact with the world as your true self. Rediscovering your values and strengths can help guide you in making life decisions with confidence and passion. We will work together to retrain your brain to a more positive state of being, able to handle whatever life throws your way!

You don’t have to remain stuck.

Call today to start the journey back to yourself, one step at a time.

Hi, I’m Suzanne!

First let me say, I LOVE being a therapist. I know therapy can seem like a scary prospect, full of a lot of negative self-judgement, like “I must really be messed up if I have to get therapy.” But take heart; I promise you will feel comfortable and safe in session, and we will do some amazing work to reach your goals.

I am all about positivity and acceptance of our flaws and fabulousness! After all, these aspects of our personality are what makes us human and so interesting.

I will provide a safe and easy-going space where you can unload your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement. I am authentic, compassionate, intuitive (I will call you out on your BS if needed), and perhaps even a bit quirky. I may swear sometimes (don’t tell my Mom) and use humor as a way to deal with some tough stuff.

I have an unending amount of faith in the resilience of people, and I am honored to bear witness to the beautiful and amazing transformation my clients achieve. I LOVE the AH-HA moments!

Personally, I know what it’s like to need help. I have had my own struggles with grief over the sudden death of my husband at age 46, as well as panic and anxiety disorder. So, I deeply understand how life’s issues can impact your state of mind and make you… well… let’s be honest… feel shitty. But I am proof that hard work in therapy can get you back to yourself and find your passion for living again.

Let’s work together to make your life more joyful and authentic.